10 de marzo de 2025

Why English Matters – Webisode #1 P&G

With this release we are starting our series of ETS videos on Why English Matters.
This first video is an interesting document where some managers at P&G give several testimonials about the importance of the English language in their organization and how it can be a very limiting burden to the professionals who do not have a fluent level or an utterly valuable asset to those who can manage communicating in English.

You can see the video, here. Fill the transcript listening the video.

“The Power of Investing in Your Employees”

Gritchin Azofeifa: (Financial Reporting Team Leader, P&G)

Let me (1)_______  how to explain this (2)____ English.



Please take your (3)_______.




Mauricio Chavarria: (Human Resources Manager, P&G)


The world is more connected now and English is the language of business.


Marcial Gutierrez:

(Latin America Assessment Leader, P&G)


In the (4)_______ of Latin America, that is a Spanish-speaking population, we (5)______ have people and (6)_________ that do not have the English proficiency that we were (7)___________ for.


Mauricio Chavarria:


P&G (8)_________ a global company with (9)___________ in (10)______ eighty countries and our (11)________ being distributed in more (12)________ a hundred countries, we do have to be able to (13)_________ with our colleagues across the (14)___________.

Gritchin Azofeifa:


Sometimes at the (15)__________, I didn’t have confidence (16)_______ all my trainings and all the communication was in English. I (17)_________ to cry.

Marcial Gutierrez:


Gritchin is one of our success (18)_________. She started in a (19)_________ that English was (20)_________ and, at that time, she (21)________ have the English proficiency for that (22)____________.

Gritchin Azofeifa:


We have this opportunity to (23)________ to Warsaw. I (24)________ go because my limitation in the English. (25)_____, I was so frustrated and (26)_______ so sad because even when I (27)_______ this project, I couldn’t be part of (28)______ workshop.

Marcial Gutierrez:


If the candidate has the success (29)___________ that we’re looking for at P&G, we will (30)__________ in their English training.

Gritchin Azofeifa:


It’s so (31)________ to learn a new language, (32)_____________ when you are (33)______ younger, right.

Mauricio Chavarria:


When we offer somebody a (34)_______, we’re not offering a (35)___________ task, per se. We’re offering a (36)_____________ career.

Marcial Gutierrez:


We will invest in our (37)________ by sending them to English schools, (38)_________ on site and also web-based trainings online.

Mauricio Chavarria:


By investing in our employees, we drive company (39)_________ in every (40)_________ where we have operations.




It is very (41)_____________ to see how our English program has enabled individuals to (42)_______ confidence in the way they (43)___________ their business.

Gritchin Azofeifa:


Now I feel more (44)______________.

Mauricio Chavarria:


They’re influencing, they’re (45)_____________, they’re leading the way in a way that they (46)_______ not able to do it before.


Gritchin Azofeifa:


So, now I am (47)__________ so proud of me because now I can speak, I can attend my (48)____________ and also (49)________ some meetings and some (50)__________. Everything in English is (51)__________ a big  change.

Mauricio Chavarria:


So, for (52)_____, investing in English is a (53)___________ choice (54)______ a business (55)___________.


  1. Think
  2. This
  3. Time
  4. Case
  5. Will
  6. Candidates
  7. Looking
  8. Being
  9. Operations
  10. Over
  11. Brands
  12. Than
  13. Connect
  14. Globe
  15. Beginning
  16. When
  17. Wanted
  18. Story
  19. Role
  20. Required
  21. Didn’t
  22. Position
  23. Travel
  24. Couldn’t
  25. So
  26. Also
  27. Lead
  28. This
  29. Drivers
  30. Invest
  31. Hard
  32. Especially
  33. Not
  34. Job
  35. Particular
  36. Long-term
  37. Employees
  38. Tutors
  39. Results
  40. Location
  41. Rewarding
  42. Gain
  43. Manage
  44. Comfortable
  45. Negotiating
  46. Were
  47. Really
  48. Customers
  49. Lead
  50. Projects
  51. Like
  52. Us
  53. Deliberate
  54. And
  55. Strategy


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