6 de marzo de 2025

Present Continuous for Future

When you make a planned arrangement in tour schedule and you have confirmation it will happen, you should use the present continuous. The present continuous demonstrates certainty and planning for things such as: meetings, appointments, flights, dinners and important social events.

– I’m working on Monday.
– She’s coming here at 9:45 a.m.
– They’re meeting next week.
– I’m seeing the doctor this morning.
– I`m flying to London on Monday.
– I’m going to charity dinner next month.

Questions can also be made using this format. The most common one is:

What are you doing…? Followed by a specific time in the future such as after, later, tonight, tomorrow, etc.
– What are you doing after your class?
– What are you doing later?
– What are you doing tomorrow night?
– What are you doing after lunch?

*NOTICE how the contractions are used with the verb TO BE.

IMPORTANT: Going to + infinitive is also used to talk about the future. The only difference is that there is no concrete confirmation (such as a plane ticket, or diary entry). For example:

– I`m going to have dinner with my parents after I see you.
– I’m going to call her to confirm.
– They’re going to visit us next month.

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