22 de febrero de 2025


B1 level demands from the learner the basic knowledge of the form and use of the passive voice. To show you have a sound B1 level, you must master the following rules.


The passive voice is made with the different tenses of the verb to be followed by the past participle of the main verb. Most verbs with an object (transitive verbs) can be made passive; Verbs with no object (intransitive) cannot be passive.

o Present Simple: The sauce is made of oranges.

o Present Continuous: Seven hundred staff are being made redundant.

o Past Simple: It was invented in 1938 by Chester Carlson.

o Present Perfect: All the money in the safe has been stolen.

o Past Continuous: The factory was being built when I last came here.

o Future with will: A weak signal will be emitted.

o Future with going to: A division is going to be sold.


o – describe actions without saying who does them.

The company was founded in 1928.

The eggs are made of chocolate.

o – describe processes.

The data has to be collected, then it’s analyzed, and finally the results are published.

Passive with agent:

You can use the passive voice and still say who or what performed an action by using by.

Policy decisions are made by the Board of Directors.

The results are collated by the computer.

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