6 de marzo de 2025


· Initiating a negotiation:

Could you manage to…?

What would you say to doing…?

Would you consider…?

· Dealing with misunderstandings:

o Saying you haven’t understood:

I don’t quite understand.

What do you mean? I don’t get it.

o Clarifying he situation:

Can I just make sure I’ve understood this correctly?

Would I be right in thinking…?

Do you understand what I’m trying to say?

o Responding to a misunderstanding:

I didn’t mean that.

Sorry if I didn’t make that clear.

No, that’s not quite exact.

I was thinking more along the lines of…

That’s not really what I meant – what I actually wanted to say was…

What I meant was…

Can I put it straight?

It may seem that…, but actually…

That’s not exactly what I’m saying.

· Expressing concerns

o diplomatically:

I’m a bit worried about…

I don’t know if you are aware, but…

o directly:

I’m really not happy with…

The real issue here is…

· Expressing points of disagreement:

I can’t just…

I just don’t understand how…

I see what you mean, but…

I just won’t be able to…, if …

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