7 de marzo de 2025

Being Able to Manage to Learn Be Able to and All Its Forms

It’s often difficult to see the difference between the different forms of can and to be able to. Sometimes it’s  impossible because they’re the same. Other times there’s a slight difference, and other times one is just flat out wrong. Read below to see if you can understand the difference. If you couldn’t before, you’ll be able to soon!


To say that something is allowed or possible, or that somebody has the ability to do something we use
Can + bare infinitve
Can I go to the bathroom?
You can walk to the bank. It’s not that far.
Can you swim?
I can meet around noon if that’s good for you.
This cord can be used for the phone or the computer.
The negative form is can’t or cannot. They can be used in exactly the same ways.
I can’t go to the party because I already have other plans.
I cannot go to the party.
Sally can’t pay for lunch because she forgot her wallet at home.
Sally cannot pay for lunch.

You can say that somebody is able to do something but can is more common.
You are able to walk to the bank. It’s not that far.
Are you able to swim?
I am able to meet around noon if that’s good for you.
In these cases its more common to use can but either is fine. Why do we have to be able to then? Good question! Can, although very useful, is limited. Can only has two forms: can (present) and could (past). So sometimes we need to use to be able to if we’re going to use a tense that isn’t the simple present or simple past.  Let’s take a look!

For example:

I have never been able to finish a puzzle.
I have never could finish a puzzle.
I have never can finish a puzzle.

I might not be able to go to the movie theater tonight.
I might not can go to the movie theater.
I might not could go to the movie theater.

You must be able to speak English if you want to work abroad.
You must can speak English.
You must could speak English.

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