RRHH Digital We have some exciting news to share from the TOEIC® team: Santis Educational Services, Ltd. in Mongolia established an agreement with the Mongolian Government’s Civil Service Council (CSC) to use the TOEIC test to develop a communication standard with their employees. On February 21st, Santis administered over 70 tests to a number of high ranking officials from the CSC, including the former Ambassador to Japan, state secretaries, the Prime Minister’s advisor, etc. This type of administration is a first for any such test in their territory.
Santis will be working closely with the CSC throughout the impending months to ensure TOEIC meets all needs. They are very proud to be able to offer these quality standards to the Mongolian Government.
ETS -Educational Testing Service- & CAPMAN are excited to announce this achievement for the TOEIC test!
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