24 de febrero de 2025

TOEIC Listening Section- Part IV: Short Talks

TOEIC Listening Section- Part IV: Short Talks

RRHH Digital In today’s post you will find some tips and tricks to perform well in the “TOEIC – Short Talks” part:

Part IV: SHORT TALKS (30 questions)

This part features ten recorded short talks given by a single speaker, which may include announcements, weather reports, travel advisories, etc. The candidate must answer three questions about what the speaker said in each talk.

1.    Read as many questions as you can before listening to the short talk.
2.    DO NOT read the answers as they will distract you and you’ll spend too much time. 
3.    Focus on the introduction and the first part of the talk to determine the context.
4.    Focus on key information and listen to the whole talk before answering any questions.
5.    Try to keep the questions in mind while listening to the talk.
6.    Mark the correct answer choice as soon as you hear it.

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