24 de febrero de 2025

Listening Section- Part II: Question-Response

Listening Section- Part II: Question-Response

RRHH Digital In today’s post you will find some tips and tricks to perform well in the “Question-Response” part:

Part II: QUESTION-RESPONSE (30 questions)

This part features 30 recordings of questions and responses. Each question is followed by three possible responses; the candidate must select the best response to the question or statement.

1.    You will hear different types of questions, some of them just ask for information but others may be invitations, suggestions or comments.
2.    Determine what type of question is being asked and the purpose of it. Then, determine the appropriate response to such question.
3.    Understand what type of information the question asks for.
4.    Listen carefully for question words such as: who, what, where, when, etc. Especially at the beginning of each statement.
5.    Correct answers not always contain the same VERB and TENSE as the question or statement.
6.    Bear in mind that an appropriate response must take the time frame of the question or statement into account.
7.    Eliminate distractors and inappropriate answer choices.
8.    Question tags are very frequent in this part of the test.
9.    Remember to scan and predict the possible answer, trying to be one question ahead.

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