24 de febrero de 2025

TOEIC- Preparation Strategies

TOEIC- Preparation Strategies

RRHH Digital This week the English Corner brings you some key preparation strategies on how to succeed on the TOEIC. Remember! TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is an English language test developed to meet the needs of the working world. It measures the overall ability to use English in international working environments. TOEIC test scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in the global workplace.

Listening Comprehension is the first section of the test and includes four different parts: Photographs, Question-response, Conversations and Short Talks. The Listening section tests the candidate’s abilities to understand spoken English. The entire test lasts approximately 45 minutes; it consists of four parts and contains 100 questions administered by CD. The candidate will be asked to answer questions based on a variety of statements, conversations and talks recorded in English.

In today’s post you will find some tips and tricks to perform well in the “Photographs” part:

Part I: PHOTOGRAPHS (10 questions)
This part consists of a selection of ten black & white photographs and a series of ten recordings. For each photo, the candidate will hear four descriptive statements and must identify the ONE statement that best describes the picture.

1.    Scan the picture first and ask yourself the following questions:
•    Who is in the picture?
•    How many people are there in the photo?
•    What objects are visible?
•    What is happening?
•    What are the objects made of?
•    Where is it?
•    What are the professions of the people?
•    What are they doing?
•    What are they wearing? Etc.

2.    Avoid making hypothetical assumptions about the picture. Select the sentence that clearly describes what is happening. Be careful with distractors!
3.    Listen carefully to the complete statement, some of them may only be partially true.
4.    Students should answer the questions as soon as they are sure about the answer and quickly scan the next photo so they can be one question ahead.
5.    Be careful with similar-sounding words and homonyms, remember they have the same spelling and pronunciation BUT different meanings.

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