6 de marzo de 2025

Disadvantages of using Technology in Business

Disadvantages of using Technology in Business

RRHH Digital Loss of interpersonal communication skills: electronic methods of communication have largely replaced face-to-face communications crucial for building business relationships with clients and co-workers. Interpersonal interaction requires manners and listening skills that are essential for choosing the people we do business with and for building personal relations.

Job loss: companies worldwide continue to seek reduction of the cost of production and increased profits through labor-displacing technology. Therefore, many jobs are threatened as technology reduces or replaces the need for human resource.
Office distractions and abuse:the time saving advantages are often more important than the technology demands, yet it’s sometimes hard to get work done with these constant distractors. Moreover, abusive use of technology can turn out to be excessive and very costly to a company due to an inappropriate use of IT: constant personal messaging, personal use of social networks, non-work related emails, etc.

Maintenance costs: technology requires constant and costly upgrading to keep the office equipped with the latest software, all this technology can reduce overall profitability.

Training: additional time will be required for training, learning new applications and meeting new performance standards. The workface might struggle trying to reorganize and accommodate the new technology in order to keep up with the business deadlines.

Security: internet hacking and the threat of information theft is another disadvantage related to the use of technology, as well as the theft of personal information from hard drives for illegal manipulation.

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