24 de febrero de 2025

Business Meeting VERBS

Business Meeting VERBS

RRHH Digital.

Business Meeting VERBS:



1.       To adjourn a meeting (Formal):

To end a meeting for a short time.

To take a break.

“Let´s adjourn this meeting. We´ll arrange to meet again next week.”

2.       To attend a meeting:

To go to a meeting.

“I´ll be attending a meeting today between 2 and 3pm”

3.       To Brainstorm:

Working in a group to think of some new fresh ideas.

“Take a few minutes to brainstorm some ideas on a new name for this product.”

4.       To cancel meeting:

To decide that a planned meeting will not happen. The date is not changed.

“The boss has decided to cancel the meeting as he is no longer interested in the project.”

5.       To commence:

To begin/start a meeting.

“The meeting commences at 9:30. Please don´t be late.”

6.       To hold a meeting:

To be in charge of the meeting. It´s your meeting, you are the chairperson.

“I´m holding a meeting on the effects of the increase in shipping cost.”

7.       To over-run:

To take longer than expected or was scheduled for.

“I´m holding a meeting on the effects of the increase in shipping costs.”

8.       To postpone a meeting:

To hold a meeting at a later time or date than was originally planned.

“Sorry I´m late. Me meeting over than expected or was scheduled for.”

9.       To reschedule a meeting:

To change the time of a meeting for a reason. It can be before or after the originally planned time.

“Did you hear? There´s no meeting today. It´s been rescheduled to tomorrow at 12.”

10.     To wrap up a meeting (phrasal verb/informal):

To end a meeting.

“Let´s wrap up this meeting. We´re out of time.”


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