26 de diciembre de 2024

Asking questions during a meeting (continued)

Asking questions during a meeting (continued)

RRHH Digital. If you need to interrupt, ask a question or clarify something during a meeting, it is important to choose carefully what exactly you want to say. Below are some phrases you could use:


•    May I have a word?
•    If I may, I think…
•    Excuse me for interrupting, …
•    May I come in here?

Giving opinions:

•    I really feel that…
•    In my opinion…
•    The way I see things…
•    I tend to think that…

Commenting on other opinions:

•    I never thought about it that way before
•    Good point!
•    I get your point
•    I see what you mean

Disagreeing with other opinions:

•    Up to a point I agree with you, but…
•    Im afraid I cant agree…


•    Have I made that clear?
•    Do you see what Im getting at?
•    Let me put this another way…
•    Id just like to repeat that…

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