6 de marzo de 2025

Business letters and professional emails

Business letters and professional emails

RRHH Digital. When preparing to write a business letter or formal email you should have a clear idea about what you want to communicate. Having a clear and concise format is the key if you want to give your customers and business partners a professional image. 

Nowadays its very important, if not compulsory, to have good English skills if working in an international environment or if the company does business abroad. Writing, like speaking, is pure communication and you need the skills to be able to express yourself appropriately and with the correct level or register of formality.

In English language there are some guidelines that should be used when writing a formal email:

1.    Use an appropriate and formal email address.

2.    Use a descriptive subject line instead of a heading (not necessary in emails)

3.    Address the recipient by name, use the persons title (Mr. Mrs. Ms. or Dr.) with their last name. If the persons name is unknown, address the persons title, e.g. Dear Director of Human Resources.

4.    Introduce yourself in the first paragraph, this should be short and state the purpose of the letter.

5.    Write the body of the email,keep it formal and precise.

6.    Use the correct closing line “I look forward to your reply”and leave-taking form “Yours faithfully” (if you dont know the name of the person) or “Yours sincerely” (if you know the name of the person).

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