4 de marzo de 2025

Getting motivated

Getting motivated

«Dont let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.»

When studying its good to break down your time into small chunks. If you put aside 30 minutes to study every two days, why not give that study time a title?

Break it down into

a)    Grammar – Chose a tricky grammar point and look it up on the Grammar Wiki

b)    Vocabulary – Make a note of all the new vocabulary that you have come across in the article or in your classes.

c)    Listening – Click on our weekly video or listen to the headlines

d)    Reading – Learn today about how not to procrastinate

e)    Writing – Write an email to a colleague in English!

Business Phrase

“To come up against a stumbling block”
This means to find an obstacle in your path.
For example: The main stumbling block for this deal going through it the time it is taking to pin the details down.


“To juggle your time”
This means to manage or alternate the requirements of various responsibilities.
For example: Nowadays everyone has to juggle their work responsibilities with their life in order to achieve a satisfying balance.



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