6 de marzo de 2025

Finding the right person for the right job

Finding the right person for the right job

RRHH Digital. To remain competitive, you need to find the best-qualified people who have the English skills to succeed. But how do you find the right person for the right job in an efficient and effective way?

The TOEIC ® test gives you a competitive advantage

The TOEIC® Listening and Reading test is designed to determine if applicants or employees have the ability to comprehend and use English effectively in the workplace. Your organization can gain a competitive advantage because the test uses real examples of spoken and written English collected from around the world. Test results provide accurate, meaningful feedback about test takers’ strengths and weaknesses.

Build a more effective workforce

When you use TOEIC test scores, you can make critical hiring, placement and training decisions with confidence because the test provides the right information about the right English skills. With the TOEIC Listening and Reading test, you can:

•Save time and money. You can select the best-qualified candidates and develop the most effective training programs.

•Improve efficiency and accuracy. Building effective English communication skills can be key to succeeding in the global marketplace.

•Enhance your global reputation. Your organization can attract new business, as well as the highest quality job applicants.

*Educational Testing Service

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