5 de marzo de 2025

What is the purpose of a job interview?

What is the purpose of a job interview?

RRHH Digital. A job interview is the first stage in employment screening; its purpose is for the company to get a good look at the candidate and ask questions about his/her work experience. The interview helps both, the candidate and the employer learn as much as possible about each other.

From a candidate’s point of view, it’s an opportunity to sell yourself and let the future employer see the benefits you could bring to the role. It’s also a chance to find out more about the company and its business and realize if it really suits you.

On the other hand, for the employer it’s a personal opportunity to meet and know an applicant and determine if he/she would fit in with the company and other employees.

Remember, the goal is to stand out as a candidate in a positive way and to be seen as a person with the strengths and qualifications required for a specific job.

*Interviewer: a person who conducts an interview with someone else and normally assesses the qualifications of an applicant.



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