10 de marzo de 2025

The Interview itself & after

Make sure you try to relax and remember to always wear business dress: Ladies formal and men always suit and tie. Try to dress more formally than you would do normally.

Small talk, make a comment about the office, journey or even weather to break the ice. This will also put your interviewer at ease. Ad libbing of small talk ice breaking etc.

At the end of the interview it is always a good idea to close, this means you can ask the interviewer what he or she thinks the next step is. Should contact them or vice versa? You may also tell the interviewer if there is anything else they need they can gladly contact you. Be grateful for their time.

After the interview – , if you were not successful, you should ask why not? Can they give you any tips? Thanking them for their time, always leaving a good impression. If you were unsuccessful in getting this job the interviewer will remember your positive and professional attitude.



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