As you may know, your CV is the most important tool when it comes to contacting with a potential employer and it’s –along with your Cover letter- your first chance to stand out as a candidate and to create a good first impression.
There is a simple way to catch an employer’s attention by including appropriate and positive adjectives to describe yourself and your work history. Including the right words -without exaggerating- can boost the message contained in your CV and Cover letter. The following adjectives are some suggestions that might work well on your CV and Cover letter:
Mature (maduro) |
Resourceful (ingenioso) |
Self-starter (con iniciativa) |
Hard-working (trabajador) |
Cooperative (cooperativo) |
Enterprising (con iniciativa) |
Committed (comprometido) |
Organized (organizado) |
Dependable (fiable) |
Enthusiastic (entusiasta) |
Skillful (diestro, hábil) |
Consistent (sistemático) |
Productive (productivo) |
Dynamic (dinámico) |
Disciplined (disciplinado) |
Conscientious (concienzudo) |
Confident (seguro de si mismo) |
Persistent (constante) |
Resolute (decidido) |
Attentive (atento) |
Dedicated (dedicado) |
Motivated (motivado) |
Trustworthy (digno de confianza) |
Energetic (enérgico) |
Professional (profesional) |
Reliable (responsable) |
Determined (decidido) |
Diligent (diligente, cumplidor) |
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