10 de marzo de 2025

The English Corner Term of the Week

Initiative /ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv/:

Word formation: initiat(e) (root, verb) + ive (suffix for nominalization)

  1. [noun, countable] The first step or action of a matter; commencing move.

Eg. Our country took the initiative, the only peace initiative.


  1. [noun, uncountable] The right or power to begin or initiate something. 

Eg. He has the initiative and must make the decision.


  1. [noun, uncountable] The ability or attitude required to begin or initiate something.

Eg. She is the right person to lead this project as she is the only member of staff with the necessary initiative.


  1. (rel. to government) [noun, countable] A. the right or power to introduce legislation, etc., in a legislative body. // B. The procedure by which citizens originate legislation, as in many American states and Switzerland

Eg. New legislation was passed by the initiative of the liberal party


  1. [adjective] Of or concerning initiation or serving to initiate; initiatory.

Eg. That is an initiative move towards a new social structure.




‘Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.’

Bo Bennet


‘Initiative is doing the right things without being told.’

Elbert Hubbard


‘The key is taking responsibility and initiative, deciding what your life is about and prioritizing your life around the most important things.’

Stephen Covey


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