22 de febrero de 2025

Infinitive clause

An infinitive clause is part of a sentence with a verb in the infinitive form. The infinitive form is sometimes without `to’, and we form negative infinitives with `not to’ + verb.




verb + infinitive or verb + object + infinitive

(after verbs such as advise, allow, ask, expect,

force, get, hate, like, love, invite, need, pay,

persuade, tell, want)

Jake loves to visit museums.

I don’t want you to read my emails.

I advised him not to come to the party. But he

came anyway.

Infinitive clauses that function as the subject of

a sentence

(usually formal or old-fashioned English)

To make mistakes is human.

To say that he was here is simply not true.

In informal or neutral English, we say:

It’s human to make mistakes.

It’s simply not true to say that he was here.

noun + infinitive

Do you have a pen to write with?

I’d like something to drink.

Infinitive clauses that explain `why’ we do


He opened the box to see what was inside.

He got home early to cook dinner.

They went to the station to buy a ticket.

verb + object + infinitive without `to’

(after the verbs help, let, make, watch, see,

hear, have)

Can you help me make dinner?

I saw him leave the house.

I won’t let you stay.


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