10 de marzo de 2025


Omitting the verb

We can often omit a verb to avoid repeating it:

He acts on television and she (acts) on stage.

We do not generally leave out the auxiliary or modal.




present/past simple verb

Omit main verb in and clauses

She clearly liked the students, and they (liked) her.

Auxiliary + main verb

Omit main verb

Over 40 percent of those on benefits are looking for a job, or claim they are(looking for one)

Modal + main verb

Omit main verb

Students working on doctorates may apply for funding from our organization. Other researchers may (apply for funding) as well; we will consider all applications.

Compound verb forms

Omit second/third auxiliary or only the main verb

The problem was one that had been observed in other vessels and the crew should have been told about it, or at least the captain should (have been told)/should have(been told)/should have been (told)


In coordinated clauses, where the second clause is very similar in pattern to the first, we can omit the auxiliary as well as the main verb:

Since the divorce I´ve lived in Dublin and my husband (has lived) in London.


It is possible to leave out both auxiliary and modal verbs in comparison clauses:

House prices have dropped much less than share prices (have done)/than share prices have (done)


(Adapted from My Grammar Lab)





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