23 de febrero de 2025

Time–management Expressions

It is the number one skill you need to learn if you want to become successful.

Without time management you let yourself over to coincidence. You won’t steer your life and you’ll eventually do what others want you to do. If you study and practice time management you take your life in your own hands. You’re in control and you decide where you want to go to.

Practicing time management has lots of benefits. Once you get the hang of it, you can work more, learn faster and play more.






The due date for the report is tomorrow.

On time

At the right time; not sooner, not later.

I’m never late. I always arrive on time.

In time

To have something ready by the deadline.

I need this by Wednesday. Will it be ready in time?

Be running late

To be behind schedule, to be late.

It’s 10:30. The meeting should have finished at 10:00. They’re running late again.

Ahead of time

Early, before a certain time.

Susan has already finished the project due next week. She’s always ahead of time.

Time consuming

Requiring a lot of time.

Searching the net for information is very time-consuming.

More Examples:

  1. Researching all the facts can be very time consuming.
  2. If you don’t arrive on time for the meeting, we’ll have to start without you.
  3. Sarah doesn’t seem to be around. She must be running late again.
  4. Do you think we’ll get the machinery fixed in time to meet next month’s production targets?
  5. The new office equipment is due to arrive by the end of the month.
  6. You’re ahead of time; the deadline for this is in two weeks.

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