23 de febrero de 2025

Did you know that having a bad job, harms health?

A low-quality employment can cause depression or stress, according to an Australian research on the relationship between mental health and working conditions. According to research, shoddy work is associated with strong job insecurity, an imbalance between remuneration against the worker effort required, an overload of responsibilities and little control in decision-making.

The study, based on surveys of more than 7,000 people for seven years, also showed that the mental health of the people was poor, but was equal or better than those who held a job of lower quality. In addition, the mental health of people in low-quality jobs deteriorated more over time.

The research highlighted that the deregulation of the labor market «has opened the doors to the deterioration of working conditions» putting as an example a lower tendency to pay overtime, work on weekends or job training.

Butterworth said that the study on the relationship between mental health and conditions of work opens the door to reflect on the need to improve labor policies. In this regard, the Australian thinks that a good environment contributes to improving the welfare of the population, who spends much of his life in their workplaces.

You can see the article here!

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