10 de marzo de 2025

Business Vocabulary Exercise I

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In this post you will find some words and some definitions. Your task is to complete and match each word with the correct meaning. Answers will be given below.


  1. Categories
  2. Rates
  3. Demand
  4. Returns
  5. Promotions
  6. Discounts
  7. Channels
  8. Consolidation
  9. Prospects
  10. Stretched their brands
  11. Intangible Assets
  12. Patents
  13. Value
  14. Trade Barriers
  15. Generic Products
  16. Revenues
  17. Margins


  • Difference between what it costs to produce products and their selling price.
  • Something that a business has, but is not physical, so hard to value, e.g. a brand name.
  • Legal documents giving a company the right to sell a new product or invention.
  • Reductions in the usual price.
  • Goods returned because they are faulty or not wanted.
  • The need that people have for particular goods and services.
  • Groups of products that are all of the same type.
  • How much something is worth in money.
  • Money that a company receives over a period of time from selling goods or services.
  • Activities intended to help sell a product.
  • Used a successful brand name to sell other products types.
  • Bringing together separate activities into one larger whole.
  • The systems you use getting for getting goods to costumers.
  • A product that is sold under a general name for a type of product, rather than a brand name.
  • Basic charges for a service.
  • The need that people have for particular goods and services.
  • Something that makes trade between two countries more difficult, e.g. import taxes.
  • The possibility that something will happen.


1 – G

2 – O

3 – P

4 – E

5 – J

6 – D

7 – M

8 – L

9 – R

10 – K

11 – B

12 – C

13 – H

14 – Q

15 – N

16 – I

17 – A










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