23 de febrero de 2025

Curso de Formación: Master Business Management – English


l Master Business Management (English) es presencial y se imparte en Barcelona. Se imparte en Inglés.Methodology
· The methodology is based on active learning and ongoing practice. Effective and beneficial training comes as a direct result of being actively involved in the course.
· All members of the teaching staff are all leading professionals in their chosen field.
Objetivos Master Business Management – English
· To provide the student the best tools, knowledge and abilities in order to succeed at executive level in the general business arena.
· To show you how to make the beneficial decisions for your business,
and how to manage your team, through an accurate analysis of the market, operating systems, budget management, strategic planning and productivity.
· To effectively teach you the ethical principles required of an executive in this field.
Temario Master Business Management – English
1. Business Policy and Business Administration. Strategy.
2. Strategies and Policies of Marketing Management.
3. Economic Control and optimization of results.
4. Production Management, Operations, Logistics and Quality Control.
5. Commercial Management: organization of commercial networks.
6. Managerial Skills: Coaching, Empowerment, Leadership and Organization.
7. Economic Analysis of Managerial Decisions.
8. Financial Management: Management, Strategy and Value Creation.
9. Company Assesments: mergers, procurement, joint-venture.
10. Globalization and Internationalization of Markets. Analysis.
11. Managerial Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility.
12. Branding: The Management of the Value of a Brand (Know-How).
13. The social agents: Union and Employee Head Offices. Cooperation and resolution of labour conflicts.
14. Judicial and fiscal treatment of the managerial activities.
15. Technological Innovation in the companies. Management of global knowledege.
16. Balance Scorecard: strategies design for management.
17. Final Project: Strategic Business Plan.
Duración Master Business Management – English
Dates & Timetable:
·Duration one academic year
·Start: Consultar
·Timetable: 3 días entre semana 19:00 a 22:00 o Viernes de 16:30 a 21:30h
5.100 euros.(possibility of financing)

l Master Business Management (English) es presencial y se imparte en Barcelona. Se imparte en Inglés. 


· The methodology is based on active learning and ongoing practice. Effective and beneficial training comes as a direct result of being actively involved in the course.

· All members of the teaching staff are all leading professionals in their chosen field.

Objetivos Master Business Management – English

· To provide the student the best tools, knowledge and abilities in order to succeed at executive level in the general business arena.

· To show you how to make the beneficial decisions for your business, and how to manage your team, through an accurate analysis of the market, operating systems, budget management, strategic planning and productivity.

· To effectively teach you the ethical principles required of an executive in this field.

Temario Master Business Management – English

1. Business Policy and Business Administration. Strategy.

2. Strategies and Policies of Marketing Management.

3. Economic Control and optimization of results.

4. Production Management, Operations, Logistics and Quality Control.

5. Commercial Management: organization of commercial networks.

6. Managerial Skills: Coaching, Empowerment, Leadership and Organization.

7. Economic Analysis of Managerial Decisions.

8. Financial Management: Management, Strategy and Value Creation.

9. Company Assesments: mergers, procurement, joint-venture.

10. Globalization and Internationalization of Markets. Analysis.

11. Managerial Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility.

12. Branding: The Management of the Value of a Brand (Know-How).

13. The social agents: Union and Employee Head Offices. Cooperation and resolution of labour conflicts.

14. Judicial and fiscal treatment of the managerial activities.

15. Technological Innovation in the companies. Management of global knowledege.

16. Balance Scorecard: strategies design for management.

17. Final Project: Strategic Business Plan.

Para más información del curso, pinche aquí.


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