12 de febrero de 2025

Daniel Jaén Arenas, HR Manager: The Blood Moon in the Human Resources

Daniel Jaén Arenas, HR Manager: The Blood Moon in the Human Resources

Blood Moon or Red Moon are used to refer to a total lunar eclipse because a fully eclipsed Moon often takes on a reddish color, it is a rarely phenomenon.

The longest celestial event will be visible in most parts of the world on Friday (27th July) and Saturday (28th July). If this eclipse is rare, it is because it will last for so long. The Moon will be in the Earth’s shadow for four hours and totally eclipsed for one hour and 43 minutes.

Another rare phenomenon in organizations is how they exercise leadership in some departments, it is like a Blood Moon.

Throughout the world, it can be known that collective leadership has two important effects:

– The value of a better knowledge of the group versus individual knowledge.

– The advantage of an agreement for a collective consensus

However, not all organizations or departments are like that, because on too many occasions the leadership is authoritarian, making decisions without their team in the projects.

I consider that a leader, to be a good leader, must be a leader coordinator of leaders, in him or her that knows what are the abilities and competences of his team. The leader will coordinate the projects in which others will be the leaders.

If this rare celestial phenomenon such as the Red Moon or Blood Moon is possible, it will also be possible for the human resources department to achieve collective leadership in organizations or departments.




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