24 de febrero de 2025

Oferta de empleo: Se busca HR Assistant

Oferta de empleo: Se busca HR Assistant

RRHH Digital INVOICES: Requisitioner for all PO´s requested by the HR department. Provide information to suppliers on pending payments. Reports as requested to the HR department. Follow up and archive HR invoices.


HR movements to ROI.
Consolidate information for the HR Weekly report.
Support on travel and expenses (Concur, travel request, etc.), including training.
Update Staff Manuals (Spain & Portugal)
Support corporate projects (Product advisor initiative, ISEM, etc.)
Coordinate delivery of HR materials to the stores.


Support External Recruitment activities:
CV screening, appointments, rejections, coordinate appointments, etc.

Manage company job websites – Amris and other external jobsites in use for Iberia

Manage reception through mail inboxes
Coordinate intern recruitment for central offices.
Archive interns information from central offices & stores.
Collaborate with international transfers.


Support training activities and organization (travels, accommodations, etc.)
Compile information for the – Tripartita- .
Monthly invoices follow up.


Collaborate organizing the recruitment teams for the new stores.
Support the HR department with new stores logistics, documentation, etc.
Coordinate & organize support teams:
Publish positions.
Handle the received applicants and consolidate them into an excel file.
Communicate to the stores the identified support team and request travel
Information for them.
Request the employee´s signature to confirm the acceptance of the travel conditions.
Organize travel requests (return journey and hotel)
Get travel request approved by the Management Director.
Send travel tickets to the stores
Request evaluation to the new store.
Follow up that the Clocking from each Bolster is sent to their home stores.
University Degree (Economics, Labour Relations, etc.).
Very good English (writing, reading and conversation)
Incorporación a importante empresa internacional del sector Retail


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