25 de febrero de 2025

Oferta de empleo: Se busca HR Manager

Oferta de empleo: Se busca HR Manager

RRHH Digital. The ideal candidate requires strong team leadership experience in Human Resources:

– Lead and manage the HR team (including HR Business Partners and HR Assistants)
– Act as a consultant to your client groups and provide input on the HR implications of strategic and operational decisions and plans
– Implement employment policies and procedures relevant to the site needs
– DeveLop and maintain positive relationships with employees at all levels
– Ensure up to date and accurate statistics are maintained and that Peoplesoft is kept up to date at all times
– Support and advise Line Managers in their management and development of their direct reports
– Ensure compliance with ES and EU legislation
– Develop and maintain suitable communication processes to ensure smooth and efficient flow of accurate information
– Consult with the Management Team and all other employees on Labour Law, HR Policies, HR Processes, Compensation, etc.
– Monitor/a trends and development in the HR/Competency Development field to support the company´s business strategy and link with learning organisation initiatives

Integrate new global HR processes as appropriate at site

– Participate in national and international HR projects
– Provide performance management expertise and assistance to sustain the highest quality workforce
– Coach line management and cultivate appropriate development solutions to raise skills and productivity
– Work with line managers and participate in higher level Investigation, Disciplinary and Grievance meetings as required
– Support and advise line managers in their management and development of their direct reports
– Coach and counsel employees and managers in HR and business issues
– Keep aware of changes and create strategies to sustain and improve employee morale
– Provide constructive feedback and advice with tact and influence


Experience of operating at HR Manager level with demonstrated success in meeting exceptionally high standards in a high volume, fast-paced, hands-on environment.

– Bachelor´s degree in Psychology or business administration.
– Languages:Spanish speaker, fluent in English.

Para ir a la oferta, pinche aquí.



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