4 de enero de 2025

Why is it impossible to learn English when all methods are “infallible”?

Why is it impossible to learn English when all methods are “infallible”?

Whoever says that his method is infallible when learning English is using a cliché and is probable lying. All learning methods are fallible, this is a logical issue, as it not only depends on the method itself, which is important, but also depends on the student attitude that is the latest responsible on this matter.

We can motivate him, help him, even we can get him to learn English, but the student will be the main responsible to achieve his success. Language English tools work out when we focus on the student rather than on the method itself; it is time to change the philosophy and start focusing on the people as at the end they are the top priority and it will be then when the method will work.

Why is coachingº now so trendy? Because if we foster people, we can achieve any goal, including education. Only through serious motivation, training and skill development we can get the student to learn a language. Our job is to get all teachers to become real coaches thus they will get every single student to achieve his or her goals. This is the correct method: to be at the student service in a professional and individually approach.

ºCoaching is a method of directing, instructing and training a person or group of people, with the aim to achieve some goal or develop specific skills. There are many ways to coach, types of coaching and methods to coaching. Sessions are typically one-on-one either in-person or over the telephone. Direction may include motivational speaking. Training may include seminars, workshops, and supervised practice

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