22 de febrero de 2025

Did you know that the thickness of the cerebral cortex affects IQ?

According to a study by scientists from five countries (Spain, UK, USA, Canada and France) the thickness of the cerebral cortex is a determining factor in the intelligence quotient (IQ) of a person. The thickness can change throughout life which makes the IQ value is not fixed.

Previously it was believed that the dispute raised by getting mixed results in IQ of a person taken at different times, was due to a mistake, but now it has been found that the difference is in the change of the cognitive ability of the individual.

The cerebral cortex contains the grey matter; also it fundamentally influences the development of cognitive functions such as perception, language, imagination, thought, memory and consciousness.

Turning to the evidence, the scientists conducted a study on 188 children and young’s over a period of two years. Through MRI was found that the cortex begins to lose thickness from 5 or 6 years as part of the normal aging process.

The conclusion in all this is that our IQ is variable and depends on the thickness cerebral cortex, so you might find something to do to help strengthen it.


Intelligence Quotient (IQ): an intelligence test score that is obtained by dividing mental age, which reflects the age-graded level of performance as derived from population norms, by chronological age and multiplying by 100: a score of 100 thus indicates a performance at exactly the normal level for that age group.

Cerebral Cortex: the furrowed outer layer of gray matter in the cerebrum of the brain, associated with the higher brain functions, as voluntary movement, coordination of sensory information, learning and memory, and the expression of individuality.

Source: http://www.planetacurioso.com/ “¿Sabías que el grosor de la corteza cerebral afecta el CI?” 

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