22 de febrero de 2025

From A to Z – Idioms and slang Part II

Some uncommon expressions in English with common meanings and some examples:

1.    Blow one’s top: Become extremely angry.
–    A: Was your father upset when you came home at 3 AM? B: He was more than upset. He blew his top!

2.    The bottom line: The most essential information.
–    The meeting lasted many hours. The bottom line was the XYZ Company isn’t for sale.

3.    Break a leg: Good luck!
–    I understand you have a job interview tomorrow. Break a leg!

4.    A bundle: Lot of money.
–    Your new car is really nice. – It should be. It cost me a bundle!

5.    Burn the midnight oil: Study / work all night or until very, very late at night.
–    I’m not ready for the test tomorrow. I guess I’ll have to burn the midnight oil.

6.    By the skin of one’s teeth: barely succeed in doing something.
–    I’ll have to start earlier the next time. This time I only finished by the skin of my teeth.

7.    Can’t make heads or tails of something: Can’t understand something at all, find something confusing and illogical.-    I can’t made heads or tails of your email. Were you having problems with your computer?

8.    Chop chop: Hurry up.

–    Come on, chop chop, pack your bag. The train leaves in an hour.

9.    Couch Potato: Someone who spends too much time watching TV.
–    You’re a real couch potato, Jay. You need to get more exercise!

10.    Cram: Try to learn as much as possible in a very short time.
–    Sidney did well on the test because he crammed for it.

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