22 de febrero de 2025

C1 – Future time part 1

Recursos Humanos RRHH Digital The mastery of verb tenses for a C1 level is quite demanding. Regarding the expression of future events, it is necessary to know:


• Calendar and schedule references:
Christmas is on a Tuesday next year.
My flight leaves at 10:45 next Monday.
• Fixed events not depending on the speaker:
Tom retires in three years.
• Future time in future time clauses:
When we get there, we’ll have lunch.
• Is/are to +V to describe formal arrangements:
All candidates are to show their IDs when entering the exam.
• Be about to / on the point of to refer to the next moment:
I think the class is about to start now.
• Be due to to refer to scheduled times:
Mary’s train is due to arrive at 8:35 (is due at 8:35)
• Be just about to to describe something on the point of happening:
Hurry up! The bus is just about to leave.


• Fixed arrangements, specially social and travel arrangements:
I am having a party next week.
• With just to describe something on the point of happening:
Come on! The train is just leaving.

• Use of GOING TO:

• Intentions or plans:
I am going to wait here until Sam gets back.
• To describe an event whose cause is present or evident:
Look at that tree! It is going to fall.
• Decisions already made to be done in the future:
I am going to leave this job in one year.

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