23 de febrero de 2025

Leadership Traits Business (Cont).

RRHH Digital 5.    The leading cause of loss of job productivity and stress in the workplace is absenteeism. If leaders cross-train their employees, there is less stress when someone takes vacation or a sick day. The teams can function at a relatively normal pace, even with the absent team members.

While this reduces stress on the part of the team members, the leader must ensure that the team members do not feel as if they are overburdened with extra work due to the absent team members. In this case, it is important that the leader delegate responsibilities to his team members so that the work is evenly or fairly dispersed among the team members and no one is overburdened.

6.    Effective leaders are good at conflict resolution. Some articles will state that leaders are brave, and that may be true, since leaders rarely avoid confrontation. This is not to say that leaders thrive on stressful situations or that they look for confrontation. But, leaders are not afraid to resolve conflicts in an organization by looking at everything objectively, nor are they afraid to speak up when someone has made an error in judgment or misspoken. Leaders are never bullies.

They are able to solve problems in a calm manner and are proactive in noticing potential problems before they occur. In addition, leaders are willing to point out their own mistakes or flaws without using them as a crutch. Leaders take ownership and responsibility for their actions and the actions of their teams.

7.    Leaders lead by example. They do not ask anything of their team members that they are not willing to do or generally do themselves.

8.    Leaders are great motivators. They know how to empower their team members. They know the right words to say to make them feel accepted and their ideas appreciated.

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