22 de febrero de 2025

4 Reasons Why Market Research Pays

RRHH Digital You’re a professional. You’ve got years of experience in a well-established field. At a certain point, it’s fine to work on autopilot, right? Think again! In today’s vast and cyber-happy marketplace, it’s now more critical than ever to continue learning about your industry and customer base. All too frequently, disconnection with the client or consumer is a company’s downfall; but the solution is a simple one, and found in market research. Skeptical of its importance? Read on for four compelling reasons to continue doing your homework.

1. It’s easy

One common hesitance against market research is that it’s tedious and time consuming, not to mention expensive, to get significant data from potential customers. With the rise of the Internet, however, modern market research is highly accessible and easy to do. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter put businesses in direct contact with users, making it quick and simple to implement surveys, gather ideas, and get feedback. There’s almost no excuse not to take advantage!

2. No one has perfect intuition

No matter how knowledgeable employees may be, it’s not a great business model to “go with the gut.” Studies have shown that, on average, major companies accurately anticipate their customers’ wants about 50 percent of the time — that’s the same reliability as chance! Market research — particularly primary research, which collects information directly from target audiences — ensures you don’t waste time and energy on a product that won’t sell, and you won’t miss an opportunity to make a profit.

Don’t miss our next post to find out more! 

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You’re a professional. You’ve got years of experience in a well-established field. At a certain point, it’s fine to work on autopilot, right? Think again! In today’s vast and cyber-happy marketplace, it’s now more critical than ever to continue learning about your industry and customer base. All too frequently, disconnection with the client or consumer is a company’s downfall; but the solution is a simple one, and found in market research. Skeptical of its importance? Read on for four compelling reasons to continue doing your homework.

1. It’s easy

One common hesitance against market research is that it’s tedious and time consuming, not to mention expensive, to get significant data from potential customers. With the rise of the Internet, however, modern market research is highly accessible and easy to do. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter put businesses in direct contact with users, making it quick and simple to implement surveys, gather ideas, and get feedback. There’s almost no excuse not to take advantage!
2. No one has perfect intuition
No matter how knowledgeable employees may be, it’s not a great business model to “go with the gut.” Studies have shown that, on average, major companies accurately anticipate their customers’ wants about 50 percent of the time — that’s the same reliability as chance! Market research — particularly primary research, which collects information directly from target audiences — ensures you don’t waste time and energy on a product that won’t sell, and you won’t miss an opportunity to make a profit.
Don’t miss our next post to find out more! 
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