22 de febrero de 2025

Presentation skills

Presentation skills

Delivering effective presentations is one of those things that most people are afraid of, yet presentations are just about communicating information. Therefore, the first thing you should do is make sure you know what you are talking about, write yourself notes and put down some key ideas, and the most important: rehearse your presentation!

Remember: “Practice makes perfect”

Nowadays oral presentations are very commonin the business world, employees might as well need to be highly effective presenters. This should be a time to shine in front of colleagues, clients and managers, and impress with great communication skills. An oral presentation in the workplace is an employee’s chance to show off the work she/he has been doing and prove her/his value to the company.

Oral presentations in the workplace must achieve a specific goal, include visual aids and be delivered to the right audience. Here are some tips on how to deliver a successful business presentation:

1.    Create a clear message and keep it simple with only one key message and a strong opening and ending.

2.   Deliver the message effectively by considering how to convey it to the audience. Speak with a reasonable pace, be natural and expressive and make eye contact with the audience.

3.     Engage with your audience by fully understanding their attitudes and needs. To do so, gather information about who will actually attend: what levels of expertise, departments, and organizations.



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