22 de febrero de 2025

Indirect Questions

There are two types of questions in English: direct questions and indirect questions.
We use direct questions to ask for specific information and can be open (more than one possible answer) or closed (yes / no) ended questions. Two examples include:

•    Where are you from? (Open ended)
•    Are you from Madrid? (Closed)

Indirect questions, however, are usually asking for knowledge, memory or the ability to give information. It is very important to understand this question style as it is very common in English, especially for being formal or polite.
Indirect questions usually start with:

Do you know…?, Can / could you tell me…?, or Do you remember…?

•    Do you know where Angela is?
•    Do you remember where we went?
•    Could you tell me what the time is?

Notice that there is usually one adverb (when, where, here, there, etc.) in the question. These are very helpful when asking for or confirming information.

Also notice that in these questions the verb comes AFTER THE NOUN

•    Do you know where the pharmacy is?
•    Do you know how much this pen costs?
•    Can you tell me where the theater is?
•    Can you tell me how much I have to pay?
•    Could you tell me who the author of this book is, please?
•    Do you remember how we met?
•    Do you remember what I told you yesterday?
•    Do you remember when we had dinner?



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