22 de febrero de 2025



Team work and team management are crucial skills for any worker nowadays. But what does it mean to create a good team or to be a good team leader?

What makes a good team?

  • The members work towards a common aim.
  • They discuss roles and allocate them to team members.
  • They fully cooperate with each other.
  • They help individuals develop within the team.
  • The members rely on each other.
  • Everyone makes an equal contribution to the team.
  • The members share information effectively within the team.
  • They listen to different points of view.
  • They talk openly and honestly within the team.
  • When people are under pressure, others offer help.

What does a good team leader do?

  • Inspire and motivate teamwork for achieving goals.
  • Encourage and support independent thinking.
  • Be open to new ideas coming from team members.
  • Consult frequently with key team members.
  • Establish an open discussion for decision-making.
  • Distinguish the team from others – create an identity for the team.
  • Recognize the skills of key team members and utilize their strengths to the benefit of the team.
  • Build trust between team members.
  • Define and state expectations and objectives with the team members. Ensure that all members understand the missions ahead.
  • Eliminate disagreements between members – be the mediator. Set a behavioral code if necessary.
  • Value results and effort.


  • Towards: in the direction of
  • Aim: Goal, objective
  • Allocate: distribute
  • Fully: completely, totally
  • Within: inside
  • Rely on: trust, have confidence
  • Equal: similar in relevance
  • Achieve: get, obtain
  • Encourage: reassure, inspire
  • Key: important, crucial
  • Strengths: positive points, assets
  • Ensure: Make sure
  • Ahead: to come, future
  • Behavioral: acting



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