22 de febrero de 2025

Showing doubt

Sometimes we need to explain what we are thinking about or what we want but we can`t make up our minds and express a clear opinion or wish. This list of phrases gives you some ideas of the language you can use if you can`t decide.

  • I`m afraid I don`t know
  • I am sorry but I do not have a clear idea about it
  • I’m afraid I can’t decide
  • I’m afraid I can`t make up my mind
  • I’m sorry to be vague but I don’t know how to value that
  • I’m afraid I would need more information to make a decision
  • I’ll have to think about it
  • Well, I would like to discuss it further
  • I’m still not really sure
  • Do you think we could go over it again?
  • Do I need to give an answer now?

Showing understanding

Sometimes we need to express that we are following somebody else’s speech, that we understand what they mean or that we are open to helping him/her with the ideas. This list of phrases gives you some ideas of the language you can use to show you understand and want to help.

Showing you understand the problem


  • I know what you mean.
  • I think I know where you are going.
  • I see your point.
  • I hear what you’re saying…
  • I can see where you’re coming from.
  • I totally understand.

Explaining what you understand

  • It’s quite similar over here, too.
  • I think what you mean is that…
  • Well, you want to say that…
  • I had a similar problem at…
  • That happened to me, too.
  • If I understood well, you are saying that…

Asking for clarification

  • I don’t quite understand.
  • What do you mean? I don’t get it.
  • Can I just make sure I’ve understood this correctly?
  • Would I be right in thinking…?
  • Do you understand what I’m trying to say?

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