22 de febrero de 2025

Communicating at the Office

Communicating in the office is something we need to do every day. Although it might seem an easy and not demanding task, being accurate and socially appropriate is key to project the right image and to be polite.

Here you have some useful tips:

•    Saying who you are
o    Hi, my name is X. I’m form the Y office.
o    For those of you who don’t know me already, I’m…
•    Talking about your role
o    I´m accountable for…
o    My responsibilities include…
o    Lately I’ve been concentrating on…
o    Basically, my role is to…
•    Recalling past events in common
o    It must be two years or more since we last met?
o    Wasn’t it at a conference in…?
o    Do you remember that…?
•    Asking a follow-up question
o    And are you still enjoying it? Really?
o    And what do you think of it?
•    Paying a compliment
o    You’re looking well
o    You look great – have you been on holiday?
o    I like your…
o    That was brilliant.
o    Great design.
o    I saw your… and I thought it was excellent.
•    Responding to a compliment
o    Thanks.
o    Glad you enjoyed it.
o    I’m glad you liked it.
•    Asking about someone’s journey
o    How was the journey?
o    Did you get there OK?
o    How was the flight?

Making arrangements

The following phrases are useful for making arrangements:
•    Suggesting times and dates
o    How about…?
o    What about the following week?
o    Shall we say 14 February?
o    Would … suit you?
•    Asking for suggestions
o    When would suit you?
o    Did you have a time / place in mind?
o    When do you think it would be suitable for you?
•    Saying we are unavailable
o    I’m afraid I’m busy then.
o    I’m sorry but I can’t make it then.
o    I am sorry but I just can’t fix it.
•    Using the present continuous for talking about fixed arrangements.
o    They’re working on another project until 12 February.
o    We’re travelling on 1st February.

Taking Messages

The following phrases are useful for taking messages:
•    Offering help
o    I’m afraid she’s not here today. Can I help you?
o    I’m afraid he’s visiting a client. Can I take a message?
o    Would you like to leave a message?
•    Asking for information
o    Could I ask who’s calling, please?
o    Could you give me your fax number, please?
o    May I know what this is about?
•    Checking information
o    Could you spell that, please?
o    So, that’s 27 November
o    Let me just read it back to you. Its …
•    Promising action
o    I’ll give her the message as soon as she’s back.
o    I’ll ask her to call you as soon as possible.
o    I’ll make sure she gets your message and calls you back.



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